
“Education is a private matter between the person and the world of knowledge and experience, and has little to do with school or college.”

Lillian Smith (1987 – 1966) American Writer

It seemed as though everyone I knew was well educated, degreed, worldly sophisticated and confidfent.

I interpreted their formal education with an earned right to their self-confidence. I then owned the right to be lacking in confidence. I had not finished college, I could not quote verbatim and ad infinitum great works of literature.

Therefore, I rarely spoke in groups, even when I knew them well. I listened, fascinated by their clever recall of college learning and experiences. I was intimidated by their ease with each other, know I could never be a part of their world.

I can’t say what it was whether a series of events, or merely the passing of time. I found I began sharing my insights and opinionsand the response appeared genuinely accepting, even grateful at times. I wonder what lead me to the change within me?

Rarely do I feel even a hint of the old insecurity. I stand before many and speak freely with little concern other than insuring each one their comfort among those they are not familiar.

I am pleased with my progress.It is empowering to stand confident along side of those with their degrees and worldly experiences. They often look to me for an opinion. How great the mind is to be able  o overcome such barriers.

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